The art of street photography, the technique of photographing human interactions in a public place, is a term that means different things to different photographers. From those who prefer the surreptitious capture of their subjects to those who communicate directly with the strangers they are photographing, street photography as an art form is varied and conflicted in its approach to the world.

The images in this great yearbook and exhibition take viewers on a journey around the world and inspire their own stories – both visibly and invisibly.

World Street Photography 6 contains an unparalleled collection of all that is current in street photography. It represents the very best in international street photography.

The book is curated and created by the „“ team. Proceeds from this book will be donated to the Ashalayam - House of Hope charity organization. Ashalayam provides education, safety, protection, and shelter to the street children of Kolkata, India.

Open until the 31st of August 2019
GUDBERG NERGER, Poolstraße 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Opening hours: Mo - Fr 10-6pm, Sa 12-6pm


Order the book now! 

Photocredit: Tel Aviv 2017 - Efrat Sela, Israel



Impressions from the exhibition: